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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Units Guide Zerg


Drones are the worker unit of Zerg race, it can transform himself into Zerg structures and gather minerals and vespene. The key for zerg win is the balance between Larva spent on Drones and on Zerg army.

Minerals: 50 Vespene: 0
Range: Melee
Damage:5(+ 1 per upgrade)
Armor:0(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Light - Biological.
Especial Abilities:Burrow


This is Zerg supply and flying unit. Overlords has a great role on zerg gameplay because it can scout enemy base, morph to overseers that has detection and spread creep to certain areas causing zerg units to move faster.

Minerals: 100 Vespene: 0
Range: ---
Damage: ---
Armor:0(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Armored - Biological.
Especial Abilities:Morph to Overseer, Generete creep


The main key to win with zerg race is to control your zerglins properly, because the zerling is awesome against certain units be quite terrible against others. Zerglings are fast and they can be used to surround enemy dealing even more damage.

Good against: Immortal, Stalker, Marauders.
Weak against:Hellion, Collossus, Baneling, Reapers.

Minerals: 50 Vespene: 0
Range: Melee
Damage:5(+ 1 per upgrade)
Armor:0(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Light - Biological.
Especial Abilities:Burrow


The main key to win with zerg race is to control your zerglins properly, because the zerling is awesome against certain units be quite terrible against others. Zerglings are fast and they can be used to surround enemy dealing even more damage.

Good against:Hellion, Mutalisk, Void Ray.
Weak against:Marine, Zergling, Zealot.

Minerals: 175 Vespene: 0
Range: Melee
Damage:ground 3(+ 1 per upgrade) / Air 7 (+4 per upgrade)
Armor:1(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Biological - Psionic.
Requeriment:Hatchery - Spawning Pool.
Especial Abilities:Burrow, Spawn Larvae, Transfusion.

This is a very versatile Zerg uni, hydralisk can target both air and ground and this makes him a fearsome unit to deal with, he is especial strong against air units like banshee and void rays.

Good against:Banshee, Mutalisk, Void Ray.
Weak against:Colossus, Zergling, Siege Tank.

Minerals: 100 Vespene: 50
Energy: ---;
Range: Ranged 5
Damage:12(+1 per upgrade)
Armor:1(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Light - Biological.
Requeriment:Hatchery - Hydralisk den.
Especial Abilities:Burrow.


Banelings are great, if you use then in the right way you can deal a lot of damage plus killing some units. If you are terran and made a lots of marines be awere that this can kill you right away.

Good against:Marine, Zergling, Zealot.
Weak against:Stalker, Roach, Marauder.

Minerals: 25 Vespene: 25
Energy: --- ;
Range: Melee
Damage: it explodes dealing 80 of damage.
Armor:0(+ 1 per upgrade)
Requeriment:Baneling Nest.
Especial Abilities:Burrow, Attack Structure, Explode.


Roach is anti-ground only, he deals damage, can rapidly heal when burrowed and also can walk while burrowed. With this last and strong option you can enter yor enemy base and destroy everything.

Good against:Hellion, Zergling, Zealot.
Weak against:Marauder, Immortal, Stalker (if has properly micro).

Minerals: 75 Vespene: 25
Energy: --- ;
Range: Melee
Damage:16 (+2 per upgrade)
Armor:1(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Biological - Armored.
Requeriment:Roach Warren.
Especial Abilities:Burrow, Rapid Regeneration.


Infestors can be fearsome if you use then in the right way. He can stop ground units dealing damage over time while ranged units can still attack without trouble. If large and strong enemies came into play just take control over then, dealing even more damage.

Good against:Marine, Mutalisk, Immortal.
Weak against:Ghost, Ultralisk, High Templar.

Minerals: 100 Vespene: 150
Range: ---
Damage: ---
Armor:0(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Armored - Biological - Psionic.
Requeriment:Infestation Pit.
Especial Abilities:Burrow, Neural Parasite, Fungal Growth.


Once again for the players that like micro games mutalisk is their wish, he deals low damage but it has split attack targeting more then one unit, perfect for haress enemy's probes.

Good against:Viking, Brood Lord, Void Ray.
Weak against:Thor, Corruptor, Phoenix.

Minerals: 100 Vespene: 100
Energy: --- ;
Range: Ranged 3
Damage:9 (+1 per upgrade)
Armor:0(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Biological - Light.
Especial Abilities: ---


Corruptors can gain the air control very quickly and davastate enemies air damage using corruption skill, just use them correctly and air is yours. If you end p with a lot of corruptors you still can morph to Brood Lord, controling ground instead.

Good against:Battle Cruiser, Mutalisk, Phoenix.
Weak against:Viking, Hydralisk, Void Ray.

Minerals: 150 Vespene: 100
Energy: --- ;
Range: Ranged 6.
Damage:14 (+1 per upgrade)
Armor:2(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Biological - Armored.
Especial Abilities:Corruption, Morph to Brood Lord.


This are the "Tank" zerg unit, he can absorb great amounts of damage and deal some on enemies. If you have armored units against this one you're in trouble.

Good against:Marauder, Roach, Stalker.
Weak against:Banshee, Mutalisk, Void Ray.

Minerals: 300 Vespene: 200
Energy: --- ;
Range: Melee
Damage:15 (+2 per upgrade) bonus 20 on armored / 75 (+5 per upgrade) on structures.
Armor:1(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Biological - Armored.
Requeriment:Ultralisk Cavern.
Especial Abilities:Burrow, Frenzied.

Brood Lord

This are the "Tank" zerg unit, he can absorb great amounts of damage and deal some on enemies. If you have armored units against this one you're in trouble.

Good against:Marine, Hydralisk, Stalker.
Weak against:Viking, Corruptor, Void Ray.

Minerals: 150 Vespene: 150
Energy: --- ;
Range: Ranged 9.5
Damage:20 (+2 per upgrade).
Armor:1(+ 1 per upgrade)
Attributes:Biological - Armored - Massive.
Requeriment:Greater Spire.
Especial Abilities:Swarm Seeds

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