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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

10 useful and simple tips for improving your gameplay in StarCraft 2

Here I've got some tips that may improve your habilities while playing StarCraft 2:
Well it's more then 10 I stupid? oh shit ! here it goes:

-Hitting Ctrl+F1 instantly selects all Idle Workers.
-Transferring some harvesters to a new expansion is better for your economy than simply saturating from scratch.
-Spacebar will center you on your base.
-Backspace will cycle you through multiple bases.
-By selecting units and right-clicking on another unit you order them to follow that particular unit. This is helpful for ordering faster units to follow behind slower units.
-Massive units (Thors/Colossus/Ultralisk) will break forcefields.

-You can hold shift and then blink with a grup of Stalkers, they'll blink safaly leaving noone behind !
-Using Hallucinated units for scout is a good option
-You can set autocast on Carriers to automatically replenish lost Interceptors.
-Psionic Storm doesn't stack. Make sure to spread multiple casts out (i've seen many high players casting multiples Psi Storm in a single place often).
-You can Chronoboost from the minimap.
-Try to not lose anytime on chronoboost ability.
-Hallucinated Phoenixes soak up Point Defense Drone energy.

-Tech Labs/ Reactors are universal. You can swap buildings around to make use of them without needing to build more add-ons.
-You can drop Vikings and Thors from Medivacs.
-MULEs can repair mechs. Calling them down in battle is a fast way to get repairs done, you can save a expensive mach with this trick.
-Pressing 'D' and clicking a Medivac while loaded with units will begin dropping units while the Medivac is moving
-Marines and Marauders can be stimmed inside bunkers.
-EMP (from ghosts) temporarily uncovers cloaked units.
-You can que up movement and re-sieging your tanks while they are un-sieging(leaving some time to do other stuff).

-Overlords can spew creep on buildings to keep them safe if your hatchery gets destroyed.
-You can bind all Queens to a single hotkey, then select all and inject larva to a hatchery. The closest Queen will inject.
-Banelings can be detonated manually while burrowed.
-Burrowed units can have Burrow set to autocast. They will unburrow when an enemy is in range and attack.
-Having multiple Queens at a base makes for a good defense against early aggression.
-Queens can spawn larva through the minimap (TLO tip).
-Infestor's Fungal Growth works on/ reveals cloaked units.

The main tips found in this topic can be found on TeamLiquid Forum

Hope you all improve a lot !!

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